We understand that dental treatment can be time consuming, life interrupting, and surprisingly expensive for many patients. To minimize those impacts on their lives, we are committed to partnering with you to develop and implement a life-long dental health strategy for your patients.
You are always in the loop during our treatment of your patient:
- After our consultation with your patient, we will send you an initial risk-based case report that reviews the diagnosis, risk, prognosis, and treatment plan, along with initial photographs.
- We provide you with regular progress reports when your patient is being treated. At the end of the scope of the predetermined treatment, your patient is returned to you for their regular dental care.
Preparing the patient before Prosthodontic treatment in our office:
- Most patients referred to us appreciate knowing ahead of time that they have special dental needs that Dr. Larson has the expertise to treat. His fees will reflect his extended training and expertise.
- Because of our specialty work, a series of appointments may be needed.
How to Refer a Patient for Prosthodontic Treatment:
- Most dentists prefer to fill out one of our referral forms and give them to the patient to bring to their appointment. Just mail or fax us the dentist copy so that we can better assist your patient when they call our office to schedule their initial exam appointment.
- If you need referral pads delivered to your office, just call us at 253.841.1943 , and we will deliver them directly to you.
After the Patient has booked their initial appointment with Dr. Larson:
- After your patient has booked their appointment, we will need their contact information and their Medical and Dental history. This will help us to be better prepared for their initial visit.